Entering Credit Card Transactions
To record charges to the credit card, follow the directions below.
On the ACTIVITIES menu, the VOUCHER ENTRY icon is divided into top and bottom. If you click the top of the icon, the normal AP voucher entry screen will open. If you click on the bottom of the icon, a choice of normal VOUCHER ENTRY or CREDIT CARD ENTRY will be displayed.
NAVIGATION: ACTIVITIES Menu > Voucher Entry > Credit Card Entry
- Select Credit Card Entry. Enter the Payable voucher as usual
- Select the actual vendor to be paid
- Select the pay group for the credit card used as payment
- Enter the distribution as normal. You may enter one line or many lines.
- When complete the Invoice Amount should equal the Applied.
- Remaining should be zero.
- Click the Clear/Add button to start a new CC voucher.
- Run the edit list and Post as normal. You may post with other regular AP pay groups or select just the CC pay group.
NOTE: Posting will create Debit entries to the Distribution accounts, Credit entry to the CC Pay group AP account “1000-2210-11-0000" and enter a charge in the CC checkbook “DISC11F” . The CC Checkbook will show charges as a positive amount for Amount Due.